The Division of Archaeology offers several databases to help with archaeological research and Section 106 investigative projects.

Excavated Sites: searchable database of sites at which Phase II testing and/or Phase III excavations have been conducted.

Site Eligibility Database: searchable database of sites that have been determined eligible and not eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places by the SHPO. Any site not included on this list is considered undetermined with respect to its National Register eligibility. Unmarked and abandoned cemeteries that have an archaeological site number are included on this database. The cemetery inventory is not complete at this time. The eligibility of these cemeteries has not been addressed.

Louisiana Radiocarbon Database: searchable database of radiocarbon dates obtained for archaeological sites in Louisiana that have been reported to our office.

Louisiana Cultural Resource Management Bibliography: abstracts and bibliographic information for the library of cultural resource management reports housed at our office.

Louisiana Cultural Resources Map (requires login): our online GIS system showing both standing structures and archaeological sites. Legitimate researchers may obtain access to the protected archaeological information by contacting Rachel Watson.

 Contracting Archaeologists: a comprehensive contact list for archaeologists in Louisiana. 

Native American Contacts: refer to the Governor's Office of Indian Affairs for a list of contacts for several of Louisiana's Native American tribes.  

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